Lets Be friends!

Bani Adorno 3 years ago:

Hi I'm Bani. I want to make new friend especially with people who are from Korea and other people who wants to learn Spanish or English. Plz if you use hangouts, feel free to leave a message at BaniAdorno@gmail.com.


Results 1 - 3 from 3 comments

Where are u from?

Bani Adorno commented 3 years ago

@Bani Adorno, they deleted their account so they can't reply.
Anyways, same as the deleted account I'm talking about. I'm not from Korea and I don't want to learn EspaƱol or English.
I'm from Poland.

Jonathan Beron-Yosefica commented 3 years ago

Ah ok um do u use hangouts?

Bani Adorno commented 3 years ago

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