Jose 1 year ago:

stories, experience, exposure...just like mother nature intended...

acquisition happens subconsciously, where the subconscious:
- analyses/interprets structure (grammar)
- makes meaning and understands (culture, behaviour)
- remembers (content through context)
- deeply knows and stores (content, vocabulary, etc)
- flows (automaticity, fluency)
- creates habits

Simple as that...
- through childlike curiosity, adventurousness, imagination, intuition, instinct, allowing...
'FUN, EASY, COMPELLING' ~ Stephen Krashen

Videochats at the very least is the most effective.

Simple "techniques"/"methods" that I've gotten since 2013 as an accredited language teacher...BUT no more of that 'language learning' stuff.....I made it simple, so it all goes back to our very natural abilities, which we never lose (i.e. acquisitional device).

We can start with English, of course.


Results 1 - 2 from 2 comments

Hi, I will be glad to have a conversation with you. Of course, my level of fluency is not near you but nevertheless, I will try my best. If you are interested, tell me how can I contact you

Dmytry Kovalchuk commented 1 year ago

hi Dmytry. Hehe. Levels are a thing of the 'past'. Let's have fun cuz it's all about the connection to life! =)

Jose commented 1 year ago

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